Preity Zinta @ IPL Auction
 Priyanka Chopra @ Tvasthar 2008
While, both Preity and Priyanka looked like they hadn't slept in days, Preity still managed to look more classy than Priyanka at the IPL Auction. What a big difference a good dress and a belt makes!
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just yesterday i was thinking y dont i see Preity much on ur blog but lo and behold, she looks stunning. ty.
man seeing Preity in the lime light after a long time!
she is looking younger for some reason...both look like they are missing make up...hence they look tired!! normally they are caked with makeup to look gorgeous!
priyanka looks bad! preity looks so so !
Preity looks so beautiful. But is that really Priyanka? WOW she doesnt look so pretty as I thought her to be.
dya think priyanka was tryin to contain a not so flattering paunch?
Preity needs a makeup artist.
can someone ID priety's bag?thanks
you know when i saw Priyanka on tv, when they showed her at that fashion show...it looked like she was extremely tired and just washed out. but then i thought,"what do i know? she's loaded and has designers on her back, she would know better"
but i guess i was wrong!
Preity's smart for hiding behind her sunnies...however, she looks nice anyways
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